
Letter: Floral Park-Bellerose School Board Trustee Robert Burke Resigns

I have resigned from my position as a Trustee of The Floral Park-Bellerose School Board of Education.  This was a very hard decision for me to make.  The deciding factor in making this decision is my health. 

I am confident that the Board of Education although young will rise to the challenge that they will be faced with in these trying times.  The job of educating our children has changed drastically in the last 16 years. The decisions the Board of Education will be faced with will be the hardest decisions that I have seen in the last 16 years.

I am also very confident in our Administration Staff and Superintendent of Schools. Dr. Pombonyo is a great educator, and is serving our district well.

I am proud of the students that I have presented diplomas to over the last 16 years.  When I look at their great successes after graduating our elementary, and high schools, that is what has made this all worth it for me.

Robert L. Burke

Floral Park