
Mayor’s Report: February 25, 2011

Inspection of National Grid’s Gas Transmission Lines

In response to the village’s request that National Grid inspect all gas transmission lines within the Village of Garden City and certify that gas lines are safe and in acceptable condition, National Grid has advised the village that gas transmission lines are subject to several forms of ongoing inspection which include:

• Visual inspection of the route for third-party activities, missing or damaged markers and any other issues, on an approximate 10-day cycle. This is far in excess of the New York State code requirement.

• Annual leakage survey, using calibrated gas detectors.

• Annual inspection of corrosion control system effectiveness, including anodes and where applicable; rectifier systems.

• Annual inspection of valves for accessibility and operability.

• Monthly inspection of odorization levels.

• Under their Integrity Management Program (IMP), they conduct internal inspection of lines that are compatible with smart pig technology, or External Corrosion Direct Assessments on all other segments. The line segments in the village received an IMP inspection between 2004 and 2007 and are scheduled for the next inspection beginning in 2011. The IMP inspections are completed on a seven-year cycle.

• Stand-by of third party excavation activities in the vicinity of these lines, when notified of pending construction through the one-call system (call 811 before you dig).

• Continuous monitoring of gas quality.

• There are no outstanding work orders related to mobile patrols.

• As of the most recent leakage surveys, there were no leaks.

• As of the most recent corrosion inspection, the systems were operating effectively as designed.

• As of the last valve inspection, all designated emergency valves are accessible and operable.

• Odorization is at the required level.

• IMP inspections are up-to-date and there were no issues or concerns.

• The next cycle of IMP inspections will begin in 2011.

• National Grid is an active leader in promoting damage prevention.

Sanitation Collection — Presidents Day

Village offices were closed on Monday, Feb. 21, for Presidents Day. There was no Regular Garbage and Recycling Pickup on Presidents Day, Monday, Feb. 21 and there will be no Rubbish pickup on Wednesday, Feb.23.

The schedule for the holiday week will be as follows:


Western half of the Village (West of Rockaway Avenue) Tuesday and Thursday

Eastern half of the Village (East of Rockaway Avenue) Wednesday and Friday


Western half of the Village (West of Rockaway Avenue Wednesday, March 2

Eastern half of the Village (East of Rockaway Avenue) Wednesday, March 2

Residents who were scheduled for recycling on Monday, Feb. 21, are asked to put their recyclables out on Monday, Feb. 28. All other recycling days will remain the same. Rubbish collection has been rescheduled for Wednesday, March 2.

Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule

The next regularly scheduled Board of Trustees’ meetings will be held on Thursday, March 3 and Thursday, March 17 at 8 p.m.

Village’s Website

I encourage residents to periodically utilize the village’s website for information regarding the village’s operations, as well as items of seasonal and special interest. The address is www.garden cityny.net. For your convenience, listed on the village’s homepage under the Heading of Administration is a link to village maps of key areas of interest within the village, including various schools, playgrounds, fire stations, Village Hall, etc.