You all may have noticed that there are a handful of candidates running for the Board of Education this year. There are many of them that are making a lot of promises, like a zero percent tax levy and raises all around for teachers. As you and I both know, being taxpayers on Long Island, these promises are not a reality! The economy is not doing well and because of that our taxes are most likely going to be increased as they are every year. The current board members are all Island Trees residents and their taxes get raised too. They are trying their best to do right by residents and the children in the Island Trees School District.
Don’t the children deserve all that the past has had? I truly believe that they do. All children deserve to have as much as the school can provide for them. It will certainly help them by keeping the sports and all other activities around for them, instead of them having nothing to do.
Unfortunately, what some candidates are not telling you is that to even try and achieve a zero percent tax levy goal everyone will suffer. But most important, our children who will eventually be our future will suffer the most. People have the right to vote the way they want, but need to realize that they are only getting fooled with false promises!
Debbie McKinney
Levittown resident