
Village Board Notes

A regular meeting of the board of trustees was held on May 17, at 8 p.m.

The meeting opened with a pledge to the Flag. Present were Mayor Thomas J. Tweedy, Trustees James E. Rhatigan, Mary-Grace Tomecki, Dominick A. Longobardi, Kevin M. Fitzgerald, Village Administrator Patrick E. Farrell, Village Clerk Susan E. Walsh, Superintendent of Building Department and Superintendent of Public Works Stephen L. Siwinski and Police Commissioner Stephen G. McAllister.

Building Department

Trustee Rhatigan reported that the Building Department is currently conducting property maintenance inspections. The season is here for annual pool inspections. There are 112 pools in the village that require inspection. Letters with renewal applications will be mailed by the end of the month.

During the month of April, the Building Department issued 13 building permits and six amended permits. The total new construction costs covered under these permits is $430,541. Also issued were 16 plumbing permits, 19 electrical permits, 13 sign permits, 10 fence permits, 25 certificates of completion and 2 certificates of occupancy.

A new store called Twisted Frozen Yogurt at the corner of Plainfield and Tulip Avenues has just opened up.

Department of Public Works

Trustee Longobardi reported that the week of May 15-21 is National Public Works Week. It is a celebration of the tens of thousands of men and women across North America who provide and maintain the infrastructure collectively known as Public Works. This week is dedicated to those truly unsung heroes who provide governmental services we use every day; those individuals who quietly and with great dedication serve our residents. In our village, the Public Works Department, under the leadership of Superintendent Steve Siwinski, working with his dedicated and talented management and staff, provide a multitude of services to our residents. That list of services include such items as sanitation and recycling collection and disposal, tree maintenance, road and sidewalk maintenance, park maintenance, traffic meter operations, maintenance of facilities (village-owned properties and buildings), storm water maintenance, fleet maintenance, snow removal, special event set-up and clean-up, after storm clean-ups, electrical and plumbing work, among many other functions. This week alone, in addition to the normal weekly functions of garbage collection, park maintenance, etc., services provided included such projects as striping the newly constructed Landau Avenue, sprinkler system maintenance at Centennial Gardens and other park properties, painting at Village Hall, pothole repair throughout the village (18 tons of patch), repainting handicap parking spots and place new signage at these spots as well, vacuuming basins to ensure storm water drainage, oversight of HVAC repairs at the library, bid openings for street light repairs and beginning preparations for the Memorial Day parade and celebration.

It goes without saying that our residents take great pride in their homes, working every day to beautify them and protect the soundness of the household structure. The same can be said of the hard working men and women of our Public Works Department who day in and day out take care of that great home we call the Village of Floral Park. Trustee Longobardi said he knows he speaks for everyone when he says, “During this week of national recognition, thanks for a job well done, always!”

Floral Park Public Library

Trustee Fitzgerald said that at the previous board meeting he reported the library was closed over Mother’s Day weekend (with that Sunday being a day when historically the library is closed). The bulk of work on the HVAC system was primarily completed over that weekend. Normal operational hours resumed on Monday, May 9. The contractor continues to work in the morning prior to the opening of the library, as well as after the library has closed in the evening. This has allowed us to minimize any disruptions to the patrons of the library. All remaining work should be completed by Memorial Day.

Beautification Committee

Trustee Fitzgerald reported that he had the pleasure of having his first meeting with the Beautification Committee. This delightful volunteer group, led by Lucille Zimmer, is responsible for planting plants and flowers in the various pocket parks that exist in our village. They received their annual shipment of flats on Friday. The committee was out in force last weekend and will be out again this weekend putting a little more “floral” in Floral Park.

Mayor’s Report

Mayor Tweedy again said his thoughts and prayers were with the family of Andrew Burrous. He thanked the Police Department, Fire Department and the Department of Public Works for the courteous, professional and compassionate way in which they tended to Andrew’s family. In light of the many tragedies that have occurred over the past few years, Mayor Tweedy said he is always humbled and amazed by the showing of love and support by our residents which makes the Village of Floral Park such a wonderful place to live.

On motion by Trustee Rhatigan, seconded by Trustee Longobardi, and carried unanimously, Mayor Tweedy recessed the meeting at 8:06 p.m.