
Best-Babysitters: Rent-A-Grandma!


Do you trust your current babysitter? Tired of finding your babysitter on their cell phone or laptop while they should be watching your kids? Well a Los Angeles-based employment service that specializes in providing mature senior women for staffing needs may be making its way to other states very soon.

It’s founder and CEO Todd Bliss grew up on Long Island. Bliss stated that he has already received about 25 inquiries about franchising the program and plans to extend its reach across the country. The cost of opening a franchise costs approximately $23,000.

Rent-a-Grandma carefully screens the prospective employees and offers a safer, more secure babysitting program than your average neighborhood teenager. Some of the requirements for employment at the agency include must be English speaking, must have decades of experience in childcare and household services, and must be both loyal and committed.

According to an article by Yahoo.com Business News Daily, the service carefully screens women over the age of 50 for various roles including child care, elder care, housekeeping, cooking, estate management, pet sitting, as well as various other domestic needs. Many people are flocking to this new program as a great alternative to the flaky American teenager.

The company currently has 40 to 45 women working in the L.A. area at pay rate ranging from $16 to $23 an hour. The employees pay the company both an employment fee and/or a percentage of their hourly wage.

Before starting Rent-a-Grandma, Bliss had worked in Hollywood as a teacher tutoring children in the entertainment industry. His idea for the company was sparked while he was working as a tutor and constantly overheard parents complaining of the lack of professionalism in regards to their babysitters.

Knowing that your child is taken care of while you are away is an important and pressing matter to most parents, however as Rent-A-Grandma extends its grip across America your worries can be left at the door. Visit www.rent-a-grandma.com for more information regarding the company and its services.