
Nicole Polizzi: Snooki Gets Blue Eyes [Picture]

65128PCNSnooki04 106456233803106804 e1313774876115 Nicole Polizzi aka “Snooki” is sporting some new accessories and they have nothing to do with her fake eyelashes, but you’re close.

Snooki’s once brown eyes are now blue, and not just any blue, they’re electric blue.

What could be more natural than a black haired, dark-skinned pretend Italian, with light blue eyes!

Add that to her newly streaked gray/black hair and Snooki is looking, well, different. But that’s nothing new to the cast members of the Jersey Shore.

Now, when she eventually beats the crap out of Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino, she’ll not only have to remove her giant hoop earrings, she’ll have to take out her contacts too.

What do you think of Snooki’s new look?