
Residents Get Makeover From Ace Hardware

Recently, Ace Hardware and CMT (Country Music Television) announced Anthony Minerva, of New Hyde Park, as the grand prizewinner of the Get Grilling: CMT BBQ Week Sweepstakes, a promotion highlighting Ace Hardware’s grilling expertise and lawn and garden knowledge. 

Chosen from over 100,000 online submissions, the Minerva’s received a $4,000 backyard makeover complete with a new grill, grilling accessories and other outdoor products from Ace Hardware of Commack, NY.  This was done in conjunction with local Ace Retailer Mike Pecoraro and local Ace Hardware Manager and Landscape Designer.

The following photos are the before and after photos of the Minerva’s home in New Hyde Park prior to the Ace Hardware Makeover.




newhydepark 2011 09 minerva backyard 4
A firepit and new lawn furniture, complete with a beautiful ruby red umbrella and cushions and surrounded by wonderful potted plants.