
LIPA Rolls Out Major Energy Efficiency Program for East Hampton Businesses

The Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) and the Town of East Hampton held a Business Energy Forum highlighting LIPA’s South Fork Efficiency Initiative, which will offer LIPA’s business customers smart cost-savings opportunities to partner with LIPA to make their companies more energy efficient and save money.

The South Fork Efficiency Initiative includes LIPA’s Small Business Direct Install (SBDI), a small to medium business lighting efficiency program that is specifically targeting businesses on the most constrained circuits. The program will not only help businesses save energy and lower electric costs, it will reduce the demand on these circuits, increasing reliability and deferring future expenditures to increase the load capacities of power plants.

“In addition to helping our business customers become green leaders in the community, we are able to address these load pockets in a more environmentally sustainable and economic manner,” said Chief Operating Officer Michael D. Hervey.

LIPA has selected Lime Energy, a leading national provider of energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions, as the exclusive contractor for the SBDI lighting program. Lime Energy will manage the projects from initial survey to installation.

Eligible business customers will receive a free lighting survey and a comprehensive, easy to analyze report detailing recommended upgrades, the costs and expected energy savings, as well as the project’s simple payback. This will help uncover areas where energy efficiency can save eligible companies real money every month.

Once businesses agree to move forward with the energy savings recommendations, LIPA will pay up to 70% of the project cost to make businesses more energy efficient.

“These efficiency business programs make good economic sense for our town. We are happy to work with LIPA to help our businesses save energy, lower operating costs, and ensure that East Hampton continues to be a very viable place to do business,” said East Hampton Town Supervisor William J. Wilkinson.

SBDI is part of LIPA’s Efficiency Long Island. Efficiency Long Island is a customer–funded, 10-year, $924 million energy efficiency program which offers a wide array of incentives, rebates and initiatives to LIPA’s residential and commercial customers to assist them in reducing their energy usage and thereby lowering their bills. To learn more about Efficiency Long Island visit LIPA’s website at http://www.lipower.org.