Below are the results of the local school district budget and school board election votes:
Elmont School District
Yes: 1,226*
No: 937
Floral Park-Bellerose School District
Yes: 1,346*
No: 1,299
FPBSD 2012 Bond
Yes: 1,281
No: 1,160
FPBSD Bus Transportation Proposition (5th and 6th grade eligibility)
Yes: 1,016
No: 1,427
Sewanhaka Central High School District (SCHSD)
Yes: 4,178
No: 2,919
Sewanhaka High School District’s portion of the SCHSD vote
Yes: 1,276
No: 1,128
David Fowler (Incumbent): 1,849
Laura Ferone (Incumbent): 1.817
(Both Fowler and Ferone ran unopposed.)
*- The Elmont and Floral Park-Bellerose School Districts did not get the 60 percent supermajority vote for their budgets to pass.