Happy National Bike To Work Day.
It’s not everyday you see suit-wearing folks peddling down the road beside you but today, more than ever, there will be an abundance of employees biking to work. It’s all in the name of National Bike To Work Day.
Friday, May 18 is dedicated to working folks two-wheeling it to his or her office. Whether it be two miles or 10 miles, the day brings a fun challenge to workers everywhere.
Friday’s National Bike To Work Day ends the 2012 Bike To Work Week, which kicked off May 14 and urged people nationwide to go green and save gas. It also encourages people to get healthy by opting for a bike instead of a car or public transportation.
While biking to work the entire week was for those more dedicated, Friday is a day all can take part in. And if you can’t possibly make the trip into the office on a bike, you’re in luck because May is National Bike Month, giving you 13 more days to go for a ride.
“National Bike Month is an opportunity to celebrate the unique power of the bicycle and the many reasons we ride. Whether you bike to work or school; to save money or time; to preserve your health or the environment; to explore your community or get to your destination, get involved in Bike Month in your city or state — and help get more people in your community out riding too!” reads the Bike League website.
The site has provided potential riders with everything from U.S. bike commuter data (Did you know New York City is ranked #1 out of 224 places for bikers and is a Silver Bicycle Friendly Community!) as well as special Bike Month events. It’s even outlined safety tips for biking on the road including Follow the Rules of the Road like “Use the rightmost lane that heads in the direction that you are traveling” and Be Visible and “Ride where drivers can see you.”
How will you be riding home today?