
New Building Code Amendment Blows Hot And Cold

New allowances created for heating and cooling equipment

On Tuesday, August 21, the Floral Park Board of Trustees held its most recent meeting at the Floral Park Recreation Center. One of the main points was the unanimous approval by the board of Local Law No. 5, an amendment to section 99-24 F of the Code of the Inc. Village of Floral Park regarding Free Standing Heating and Cooling Equipment. The amendment will allow such equipment in the side yard provided it is 45 feet from the rear property line and 10 feet from the side lot line.

Trustee Mary-Grace Tomecki read the summary of the proposed local law, and showed her support for its adoption as well. “Passage of this law will minimize the need, and more importantly, the personal expense to homeowners having to be heard by the Board of Zoning Appeals at a time when money is tight and construction costs can deter investment,” said Trustee Tomecki. “This law allows Floral Park homeowners the ability to improve the value of their residential dwel-lings, their homes, and in turn their daily life, without undermining the quality of life enjoyed by neighbors.”

With the exception of freestanding heating and cooling equipment, the amendment lists that no part of any freestanding heating, cooling, pumping, filtering, generating or other type of equipment shall be located in any front or side yard, nor within 20 feet of any rear lot line.  “On a corner lot, such equipment shall be allowed in a yard that abuts a street, provided that the main entrance to the premises is not the in same yard and that an adequate landscape buffer, approved by the building department, is installed and maintained.”

Such equipment cannot be located in the rear yard nearer the street than half of the side yard setback from the property, but in no event closer than six feet to the property line.  At the time of installation, the property owner must submit to the building department proof that their equipment has a certified sound-level rating at the adjourning property line not exceeding 50 decibels. This point was highlighted by Deputy Mayor James Rhatigan, who stated:

“This is a safeguard to protect the adjourning property owners…I too show my support for this local law.”