
Letter: Magro Foundation Needs Your Help On Facebook

Have you ever wished you could help a foundation – any foundation at all – but funds were really tight? Have you ever wished you could do something more, where your voice could make a difference? Even though, in your heart, you know that you make a difference, and your life touches so many others?

Well, folks, here is a way that you can help, without spending a penny, without doing anything except clicking your cursor on your computer.

The Hicksville-based Michael Magro Foundation has been accepted as a nonprofit under the Chase Community Giving Program! In order to participate, you will need a Facebook account, which is free, and visit http://tinyurl.com/magrochase.  

Your vote makes a difference; however, the time for voting is only until Sept. 19 so get clicking. If the Michael Magro Foundation gets 3,000 to 4,000 votes by Sept. 19 the foundation can see a payout of $50,000, which will assist pediatric patients with cancer/blood diseases and their families with financial burdens such as gas, food, and many other essentials that we all take for granted.

Patty Servidio