
From The Desk Of Superintendent Robert Katulak

Our budget process has started and we face a long and arduous task of creating a budget that maintains staff and programs, and is at the same time, fiscally responsible to our taxpayers. Each year when we prepare our budget there continues to be additional add-ons that add to the dilemma of creating a balanced budget. New and continued economic considerations that effect our budget planning include passed on costs such as the tax certiorari and restrictions placed by the state tax levy cap, increases in the employee retirement and the teacher retirement systems, and a host of other unfunded educational reforms and mandates. This year we had the devastating effects of Hurricane Sandy estimated by our governor to be somewhere around $60 billion. It is only common sense to realize that this will have a profound effect on the New York State budget and possibly affect the general foundation state aid level of revenue.

As you know, we have worked extremely hard to maintain staffing and programs. Now that we are facing a shrinking revenue stream and reduced federal and state aid, we will have difficult decisions to make for which we will need your input. We want you to be informed so we encourage your attendance at our board meetings.

We move forward each and every day working hard to improve how and what our students learn. We have an excellent certified staff who continually work hard to deliver quality instruction to meet the differentiated needs of our student body. We now must analyze and evaluate all expenditures to continue this effort and yet meet the state tax levy cap. We know we will find solutions in a collaborative manner.