Several weeks ago, I wrote about the benefits of our new SAT course at Island Trees. SAT Preparation. Again, this course is highly recommended to all of our juniors in preparation for this rigorous springtime assessment.
Since colleges require high SAT scores, we feel this course will help maximize our student’s potential, and in turn, improve their SAT scores. In fact, we feel it is superior to any weekend or night course given by companies such as, Kaplan or Princeton Review, because the students are learning the SAT reading, writing and mathematical concepts during the school day when they are at their best.
For anyone who has taken a night or weekend class, it is not easy to stay on task after a particularly exhausting work day or week. At $600 a course, the private SAT programs can also be out of the reach of many families.
This class levels the playing field for our students by providing a unique “in-school” opportunity. Again, college readiness is our number one priority at Island Trees High School. If you would like to learn more about the SAT Preparation class, please call the high school guidance office. Thank you.