
Summer Yoga Now Registering

The Department of Recreation and Parks will be offering yoga this summer.

The session of yoga with Connie McKnight will begin according to the following schedule:

Mondays 7:30–8:30 p.m.

10 classes for $65 beginning June 3

Wednesdays 10:15–11:15 a.m.

9 classes for $ 58.50 beginning June 5

This program is open to adults who are residents of the Inc. Village of Garden City.

The Wednesday morning class will meet in the Golf Club Lane Senior Center. The Monday evening class will meet in St. Paul’s Senior Center.  

The class is geared towards the average person.  Please make sure to bring a yoga mat and wear comfortable clothes.

To register for this program, please visit the recreation office at 108 Rockaway Avenue or www.gardencityrecreation.org.