
Obituary: J. Fred Sparke

(Editor’s note: This obituary was submitted by the Island Trees School District in response to Susan Reckling’s request for more information about J. Fred Sparke, which printed in the Friday, Sept. 6 edition of the Levittown Tribune. This obituary was written on May 10, 1955 by the Island Trees School District Clerk.) 


J. Fred Sparke, treasurer of school district #26 in the Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau, New York, for the past 43 years, passed away last night. 


Mr. Sparke started as a collector of taxes for the school district in 1912. This position was changed to treasurer when the county started to collect taxes for the school districts in 1915. 


He was a son of Henry Sparke, one of the founders of the school district, which was created on September 20, 1902. He was a member of the Nassau County Farm Bureau since 1918 and a committeeman for the Nassau County Farm Bureau for over 20 years. 


The Sparke family has been located in this area for over 200 years. Mr. Sparke is survived by his wife, the former Helen Graham; a daughter, Helen; and two sins, Edgar and William; also four grandchildren. 


Services are to be held on Wednesday, May 11, 1955 at 8:00 a.m. at Schmitt’s Funeral Home, Merrick Road, Seaford. Interment at St. John of Jerusalem Cemetery, Wantagh Avenue on Thursday, May 12, 1955 at 10:00 a.m.