Floor Hockey Registration Begins
The Garden City Department of Recreation and Parks will again offer a floor hockey program this at St. Paul’s Field House. The program will be open to village residents in grades K through 6 on Fridays beginning Dec. 4 according to the following schedule:
Grades K – 3 6:15 to 7:15 p.m.
Grades 4 – 6 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.
The cost of this six-week program will be $30. To register, please download an application off our website at www.gardencityrecreation.org or visit the recreation office at 108 Rockaway Ave.
Please note: All participants are required to wear the following equipment at all times- Hockey helmet with cage, hockey gloves, shin pads, sneakers and hockey stick
Interest In A Dog Park?
The board of commissioners of Cultural and Recreational Affairs in conjunction with the Department of Recreation and Parks is inquiring about residents possible interest in utilizing a dog park in an area adjacent to the community garden at the Saint Paul’s Recreation Complex. Although 30 percent of respondents to the recreation and parks needs assessment listed dog park as an area of importance, prior to any funds being allocated for necessary fencing, benches and other amenities, the parks department would like to hear directly from resident dog owners that if built they would use such a facility. If this initiative proceeds there will be established rules regulations, hours of operation, permit application fee and a waiver of liability required. Residents can express their interest by visiting the recreation and parks office at 108 Rockaway Ave. or call the office at 516-465-4075 by Oct, 31. You will be asked to leave your name address and phone number when you call.
US Sports Institute Programs For Veterans Day
The recreation and parks department has asked US Sports Institute to run programs on Election and Veterans’ Days. The following programs will be offered at St. Paul’s:
Program, Date, Time, Age, Amount, Code
Multi Sport, Nov. 11, 9 to 12:30 p.m., 5-12 $39 MS19670
Multi Sport, Nov. 11, 12:30 to 4 p.m., 5-12 $39 MS19671
Multi Sport, Nov. 11, 9 am to 4 p.m., 5-12 $79 MS19672
Please note: The MultiSport program will involve several different sports during the course of the session. All Checks should be made payable to “US Sports Institute.” You can download an application at www.gardencityrecreation.org or visit 108 Rockaway Ave. If you would like to pay by credit card, you may do so by registering online at the US Sport’s Institute’s website at www.ussportsinstitute.com
Women’s Dance Performance Group Begins
Registration has begun for the recreation and parks department’s women’s dance performance group. Any women, college aged or older, who is a Garden City resident, may join this group. This group meets every Saturday at St. Paul’s Cluett Hall from 10-11 a.m. to rehearse choreography which culminates in a performance at Adelphi in May. Classes will begin Saturday, Nov. 16. The cost of this program will be $200.
Preschool Sports Sampler Registration
The Garden City Recreation Department will offer a Pee-Wee Sports Sampler program this fall for residents of the Inc. Village of Garden City. This program has been designed especially for the young child as a positive introductory experience to sports. The cost of each six-week session will be $75. Classes are 55 minutes in length. Children must be 4 years old by the first day of class in order to attend. The program will take place at St Paul’s Recreation Complex according to the following schedule: Tuesdays at 1 p.m.; Thursdays at 1 or 4:15 p.m.
St. Paul’s Adult Programs Begin In The Field House
The recreation adult programs in the field house began on Wednesday, Oct. 16 with the following schedule:
Mens’ Open Basketball 7:30-10 p.m.
Mens’ Over 30 Basketball 7:30-10 p.m.
Mens’ Open Basketball 7:30-10 p.m.
Mens’ Over 40 Basketball 7:30-10 p.m.
Adult Volleyball 7:30 – 10 p.m.
Adult Soccer 8:30 – 10 p.m.
These programs are open to residents of the Inc. Village of Garden City who have graduated high school. All programs listed are free of charge and strictly “pick up.” A picture ID is required to sign in to any program. For further information, please contact the recreation office at 516-465-4075.
Platform Tennis Lessons For The Beginner
The recreation department is happy to announce platform tennis lessons for the beginner player at the Community Park platform tennis courts. All beginner residents are invited to sign up and learn the basics of platform tennis. Classes will be taught by certified platform tennis instructor Sue Tarzian. The hour-long lesson (11 a.m.– noon) will be conducted for six weeks beginning Tuesday, Oct. 22 and costs $120. For further information on this program, please call the Community Park clubhouse at 516-483-2525.
To register for any of the above programs, please visit www.gardencityrecreation.org for an application or the recreation office at 108 Rockaway Ave.