According to the United States Census Bureau, as of the latest report available, there are 21.5 million veterans residing in the United States as of 2011. And while numbers of the Greatest Generation who served dwindle with each passing year, it remains crucial to continue to support the brave men and women in our military who serve and protect our freedoms. It’s also important to acknowledge those who’ve already done their part, particularly those who’ve had to go to foreign lands and returned with ailments physical and otherwise. In the Village of Garden City, the American Legion William Bradford Turner Post Number 265 and its Auxiliary continue to do a bang-up job hosting a solemn ceremony at the Veterans Memorial Park on Seventh Street. The ritual, the respect and most important the remembrance are those small intangibles that make Veterans Day special and remind you that heroes are found in foxholes and fatigues and not on the silver screen.
– Dave Gil de Rubio