
7th-Grade Laxers Undefeated

laxOn Saturday, March 22, a team of Manhasset 7th graders lead by coaches, Jimmy Kenny, Chris Connor and Josh Mulholland went undefeated in the Glastonbury Connecticut Round Robin Lacrosse Tournament.

Playing against teams from Connecticut and Massachusetts, the Manhasset squad outscored their opponents by an overall margin of 12 goals to 2, beating Glastonbury 5 to 1, New Fairfield 3 to 0 and Duxbury, MA 4 to 1. The boys played great with every player contributing.

Participating in the tournament were: Chris Alcaraz, Will Allen, Brian Arella, Edward Arnold, Owen Connor, Matthew Cozzi, Michael Farrell, Chris Glynn, Gabe Grullon, Jack Hannan, Ryan Healy, Sean Kenny, Sean Kirkwood, John Mastando, Derek Mulholland, Joseph Mulholland, Jack Orlando, Louis Perfetto, Alex Raccanelli, Steven Salerno, Jack Sullivan, Ross Totora, Steven Vlahakis and John Whelan.