
Sights Set On Zero Percent Levy

After working to pair down a proposed $59.6 million spending plan for the 2014-2015 school year, the Island Trees Union Free School district now estimates a .4 percent levy increase from last year. 


“We’re still in the budgeting process,” said Superintendent Dr. Charles Murphy, “There is a strong possibility that we will end up with a zero percent tax levy.” 


Based on preliminary state budget estimates, Island Trees was initially slated to receive $14,102,719 in aid—$158,000 less than last year. However, Murphy said that after meeting with state lawmakers, Island Trees may receive more in state aid than initially estimated. 


“This may end up helping us achieve that zero percent levy for the community,” he added. “We won’t know until the process is final.”


With the state budget scheduled to be enacted on April 1, after press time, the Island Trees School District looks to maintain its existing programs for students without increasing the amount that the district plans to levy on homeowners. 


“I think we can achieve this goal in the end,” Murphy said.