Nassau County’s animal protection agency just launched a new website feature that offers another way to report animal cruelty, and at the same time announced cash rewards of up to $5,000 for folks who turn in abusers. Officials were joined at a press conference by Miss Harper, a rescued pup whose ears and a leg had been cut off.
The Nassau SPCA has never offered rewards before, in part due to a perennial shortage of funding. But the county has seen a disturbing rise in animal cruelty, officials said, and the outrage sparked by incidents such as the death of 13 dogs in a garage fire in February opened a floodgate of donations—some $15,000 so far.
Floral Park has a generous portion of animal lovers. They support the townships’ animal shelters and local rescue organizations. Some are likely among those donating directly to the Nassau SPCA (which doesn’t receive donations sent to ASPCA). Those people would report animal abuse even without a reward—which is the right thing to do. After all, as one legislator put it, ‘Man should be dog’s best friend too.’
To report cruelty, call 516-843-7722 or email
To donate or volunteer, visit