The Space was born as the Westbury Movie Theater on November 10, 1927, opening its doors to an audience that marveled at the beauty of its Tudor style inspired auditorium. The feature for opening night was “Hula” starring Clara Bow. On the stage, The University of Maryland Collegian’s Band thrilled the audience with a spectacular performance. On Friday, November 11, 1927 to celebrate Armistice Day, “Beau Geste” starring Ronald Coleman was screened.
The Westbury Theatre was one of six theaters built by Salvatore Calderone in Nassau County, Long Island. The theater flourished as a single screen house until it was twinned in the late 1970’s. As patronage decreased, the theater soon closed its doors. Eight years ago Cyrus Hakakian and his partners saved the Westbury Theater from demolition. After viewing the magnificent space, he was determined to preserve the grandeur of the original theater while re-purposing the facility to accommodate all aspects of contemporary entertainment. With the installation of state of the art lighting and sound systems combined with flexible seating plans, the Westbury Theater now enters a new chapter of its illustrious history as The Space at Westbury.
[toggle title=”Is The Space a concert hall, Movie Theater or a place where I can hold a special event?”]All of the above. You can turn The Space into the Venue of your dreams and create a memorable event. With our flexible seating plans and state of the art lighting and sound systems, The Space provides an exciting palette for the creative producer, event, party and meeting planner.[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Does The Space have a kitchen?”]Yes, The Space has an excellent kitchen – perfect for catered events.[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Are there parking lots nearby The Space?”]Yes, there are over 1000 parking spaces in parking lots throughout the Westbury Village Shopping District.[/toggle]
[toggle title=”What is ‘GA’?”]GA means General Admission and is applied to concerts where seats have been removed in the orchestra section to allow the Patron to stand in any area of the orchestra floor. For those who prefer a seat, seats are available in the Loge and Balcony sections.[/toggle]
[toggle title=”What is the loge?”]The Loge also known as Mezzanine, refers to three sections of seats immediately behind orchestra and is raised 4 feet above the orchestra floor.[/toggle]
[toggle title=”What is the balcony?”]The Balcony at The Space is above the loge. It contains 3 sections – the Center balcony with fixed theater seats and the left and right Balcony with Banquette and chair seating.[/toggle]