
Village Of Great Neck Budget

I’m writing in response to the May 5, 2014 story on the Village of Great Neck’s 2014-2015 budget and the subsequent letter from the chief of the Vigilant Fire Department.

Let me set the record straight by saying that there was no discussion of the ambulance budget at our meeting and I offered no quote on the issue. What were referenced in the article were clauses taken from my annual budget message – a copy of which is available on the Village’s website. Those clauses speak to various increases to the Village budget over the course of seven years. At no time, either in writing or during the meeting did anyone suggest an increase in taxes is directly attributable to emergency services.
Once again let me reiterate my belief that our ambulance and fire volunteers provide a critical service to the residents of our Village. They will always have my support and I commend them on their devotion, training and dedication to our community.
Ralph Kreitzman, mayor, Village of Great Neck