
Cubs Say 'Thanks'


The Cub Scouts of Pack 696 set up for their annual fund raising car wash at 9 a.m. in the parking lot of St. Rose of Lima R.C. Church recently. Scouts, ranging from Kindergarten through fourth grade helped to wash a line of cars so long, that they had to “double up” on the number of cars being washed at one time. Family and friends came to show their support and lend a helping hand.

“Soap suds on the cheek and a bunch of scouts all scrubbing a car at once — this is what we aim to see each year,” said Jim Yahner, car wash director. “That is a sign that the boys are working hard and really getting into the fun of it.”

One scout noticed that a dedicated member of the community was a roofer that had worked on his home earlier that year.

“Hey, thanks for helping us fix our roof,” he said in appreciation. The roofer smiled at the scout and said, “You are very welcome!”  He was obviously pleased that the boy had recognized him and took time to show his gratitude.

Funds from the carwash will be used to help the scouts participate in summer activities. The scouts raised over $800.

A big thank you to St. Rose Church for the use of their parking lot, and to the Massapequa community for their dedication and support of our scouts.