Is your home green? What is the carbon footprint of your business? What can you do to make your workplace more eco-friendly? These are some of the questions that the sixth-graders at Grace Day School in Massapequa had to answer as part of their last assignment: Project Green. The science department collaborated with the computer technology department to create a fusion assignment about carbon footprints.
Teams of students were asked to research major production companies to asses their level of “eco-intelligence” and convey their data as a power-point presentation. They had to report the company’s current eco-friendly practices and propose possible improvements. They were also asked to asses the size of the environmental impact that their company makes by manufacturing it products. This process of effecting the environment is more simply known as the company’s “carbon footprint.” Eco-friendly practices on the school campus were reviewed and new ideas on how to reduce the carbon footprint of their own school were suggested.
“Taking into account the carbon footprint that we all make should become second-nature in the future,” said science teacher, Joe Barbato. “That process has to start somewhere, and there is no better time for that process to begin than right now, right here, at school where these students come every day.”