
Superintendent Makes A Splash


Jericho Superintendent Hank Grishman welcomed all Jericho staff back to start the 2014-2015 school year on Sept. 2 during Superintendent’s Conference Day. Approximately 700 staff members filled the auditorium as Grishman spoke about the current state of education in New York. The superintendent also re-capped a great 2013-14 school year and said that he was excited to start this new school year and looked forward to all of the amazing things that Jericho staff and students would accomplish in the coming months.IceBuket_091214B

To conclude his speech, Grishman spoke about ALS and the importance of the Ice Bucket Challenge, which has raised more than $90 million dollars.

“I challenge each and every one of you here this morning to support ALS in anyway that you can,” said Grishman, just before he had Jericho assistant superintendents Barbara Bauer, Ben Ciuffo and Victor Manuel pour ice water over his head. District staff members are now working on ways to incorporate the students and accept the superintendent’s challenge. A video of Grishman’s challenge is available at www.syossetjerichotribune.com

Check out the video: