
theLevittownTribune.com Calendar

BOE Meeting – January 28

Camera Club – January 28

Argentine Tango – January 30 

Wednesday, Jan. 28


Board of Ed Meeting

Island Trees Schools Board of Education will hold its regular meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the conference room at Stephen E. Karopczyc School, 74 Farmedge Rd. in Levittown. 


Meadowbrook Women’s Initiative 

Monthly meeting in the community room at the Levittown Public Library on Wednesday, Jan. 28 from 1 to 3:30 p.m. 


Long Island Harmonica Club 

Monthly meeting in the community room at the Levittown Public Library on Wednesday, Jan. 28 at 7 p.m. 


Nassau County Camera Club 

General meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 28 at 7 p.m. in the community room at Levittown Public Library. 


Friday, Jan. 30


Argentine Tango

Rhythms & Soul Dance Studio invites Argentine Tango lovers from across Long Island to take a beginner dance class or two. Classes are every Friday through Feb. 27 from 8 p.m.-midnight. Rhythms & Soul Dance Studio is located at 16 Wolcott Rd., Levittown. For more information on upcoming classes, call 631-266-3691. The fee is $10.


Saturday, Jan. 31


New Musical

Come to the Merrick Theatre and Center for the Arts for the premiere of the musical, Deirdre. A modern love story ripe with sword fights, an epic love triangle and a passion for homeland steeped in Celtic tradition, Deirdre is the work of two Long Island playwrights. The Merrick Theatre is located at 2222 Hewlett Ave., Merrick. For tickets and showtimes, call 516-868-6400 or visit www. deirdremusical.com. The show runs through Feb. 22.


Sunday, Feb. 1


Seal Walk

Enjoy a leisurely walk along the beach to observe seals and winter birds. Dress appropriately and wear proper footwear for hiking. Binoculars recommended. Register by calling 516-780-3295. From 1:30-6:30 p.m. Fee is $4. Meet at Theodore Roosevelt Nature Center, located at 134 Cove Rd., Oyster Bay.


Monday, Feb. 2


Tax Preparation Services

The Town of Hempstead will begin free income tax preparation services for senior citizens today. Call 516-485-8100 for information.


Tuesday, Feb. 3


American Post Meetings

American Post 1711 meets twice a month at 3123 Jerusalem Rd. in Levittown. New members welcome. Call 516-731-9114 for more information. 


Thursday, Feb. 5


COC Installation Dinner

Levittown Chamber of Commerce’s 54th Annual Installation of Officers and Directors will be held on Thursday, Feb. 5 at the Fox Hollow Country Club from 6:30-10:30 p.m. Cost is $65 per person and includes dinner, dancing and open bar. Email info@levittownchamber.com for more information.

Ongoing Events


Safe Boating Courses

Safe Boating Courses, free vessel safety checks and more from America’s Boating Club, the United States Power Squadrons. Visit WeBoatSafe.org or call 800-341-8777 for information.


Medicare Help For Seniors

Are you a senior who would like help paying for Medicare benefits and prescription drugs? Free assistance is only a phone call away if you qualify because of limited income. There may be a way to alleviate some of the cost of Medicare—deductibles and coinsurance, Part B premiums, prescription drug plans (Part D). 


Reducing monthly premiums, annual deductibles and co-payments, aiding with coverage gaps. To learn more call an LIS/HHS (Low Income Subsidy from U.S. Dept. of HHS) counselor. Call 516-485-3425, ext. 222 for details.