
Centennial Soccer Club Scholarship

Garden City Centennials Soccer Club is proud to announce that it is once again offering scholarships to eligible high school seniors.

Eligible candidates must be:

* High School Seniors who are graduating this spring

* Attending an accredited university or college in the 2015-’16 school year      

* Participants in a Centennial Soccer Program for at least five years including intramurals, travel, referees and TOPSoccer

* A Garden City resident

At least four scholarships of no less than $1,000 each will be awarded this spring. Applications can be obtained through the Garden City High School guidance office or through the Centennial’s web site at www.gccentennialsoccer.org. Additional qualifications and requirements are specified on the application. Applications must be returned and/or postmarked by April 1, 2015

Contributions are welcome and appreciated. Donations could mailed to “GCCSC Scholarship Fund”, P.O. Box 358, Garden City, NY 11530

Submitted by the Garden City Recreation Department