
Special Friday Rec. Night

front-bigThe Willets Road Student Government will be hosting a Special Edition Friday Night Recreation in honor of a student who is battling cancer on Friday, Feb. 27.

Willets Road Middle School graduate Lucy Brancaccio was recently diagnosed with cancer. The eighth grader is currently undergoing intense treatment, and is on a path to recovery.

All sixth and seventh grade students are invited to attend this special fundraising event. The admission cost will be $5 and snacks will be sold, so students should bring money for snacks. A portion of the snack-sale proceeds and all of the admission proceeds will be donated to the family. There will be activities and raffles in which students can win prizes, such as iTunes gift cards.

A Booster website was set up for students, staff and community members to purchase T-shirts to support the event. T-shirts that read #TEAMLUCY were sold for $15 and everyone who purchased a T-shirt will wear it to the special rec on Feb. 27. T-shirts were sold through the Cancer’s Going Down Fundraiser website, www.booster.com/cancersgoindown.

Thanks to supporters, 121 shirts were sold and $1,980 was raised. All funds raised will be paid directly to Cancer’s Going Down! for Lucy Beating Cancer. The community has really banded together to help Lucy.

For more information, contact campaign organizers Dan Fox, Alex Fuller and Eyal Yerushalmi at the foxd@ewsdmail.org or 516-626-1017. There is also a contact form at www.booster.com/cancersgoindown.