
St. Rose CYO Are Champs


It was an exciting day for the St. Rose CYO 6th grade basketball Division. The top two teams played for the division championship on March 7. The Blazers won 20-9 led by cCYO_031815Aoaches Brian Baron and Rob Zampolin. Special thanks to the coaches who dedicate their time and talent, Charlie Mahlmeister (President), Lucy Weyer and Joe O’Sullivan and to Fr. Ken (Pastor), thank you for your support of the CYO Basketball program. Pictured from left: Brian Boylan, John Farina, Joseph Pugliano, Brendan Baron, Conor Curran, Robby Zampolin, Tyler Payne, Nicholas Cummings, Michael Pugliano, John Giller & James Conlon. Back right, Coaches Brian Baron and Rob Zampolin
(Photo courtesy of Lisa Zampolin)