
Chamber Celebrates 80 Years

The Manhasset Chamber of Commerce is celebrating 80 years. In last week’s Manhasset Press, we featured an article on “Business Men in Manhasset Form Chamber on January 25, 1935.” This year, the Manhasset Chamber is continuing its standard of excellence and is working to improve relations between businesses, government and the people who live here. Chamber_040814A
Manhasset is the jewel of the North Shore. It is perfectly located: with the most exciting shopping in the world, the best schools, local government, a premier train line, but mostly, it envelopes you with the feeling of hometown USA—a place where you want to plant permanent roots because your neighbors care.
Katie Miller and Diane Harragan, both of Manhasset, are working very diligently, trying to increase the membership of the Manhasset Chamber of Commerce with a new committee to beautify Manhasset.
“We want to get more people involved. The businesses are so busy focusing on surviving that they too, need a little incentive to get more involved,” said newly elected Chamber President Marion Mulderrig.
The idea of beautifying Manhasset is not a new one; we found a cartoon with the sign “Keep Manhasset Beautiful,” which was published many years ago showing the Manhasset Chamber of Commerce cleaning up trash from the street.
The funds from the new Chamber membership will be used to decorate the Manhasset streets for the springtime and for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
Miller, who was born and raised in Manhasset, knows all about the importance of supporting local businesses. Her father, Walter Broemmer, owned Manhasset Iron Works, the first business on Plandome Road in 1929.
Miller has been involved in the Manhasset Chamber of Commerce since 2006. With the new beautification committee, Miller hopes to assist the Manhasset Chamber of Commerce in its goal of continuing to grow merchant and resident memberships.
To join the beautification membership, go to www.manhassetny.org to sign up online or send your check for $35 to Manhasset Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 754, Manhasset, NY 11030. Please include your name, address and email.
Help continue to make Manhasset your “Hometown USA.”