
theFloralParkDispatch.com Calendar

Supermarket Bingo

Friday, May 22

Stewart Manor Memorial Day Ceremony

Saturday, May 23

Floral Park Memorial Day Parade

Monday, May 25

Thursday, May 21

“Pasta and Politics” at the next Floral Park-Bellerose Republican Club meeting on Thursday, May 21, at 7:30 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall at 33 S. Tyson Ave. in Floral Park. Pasta and refreshments will be served for the last meeting before the summer break. All are welcome to attend and encouraged to bring a friend.

Bellerose Village Junior Women’s Club will hold a regular meeting on Thursday, May 21, at 7:30 p.m. at 50 Superior Rd.

The North End Civic Association will hold its membership meeting on Thursday, May 21, at 7:30 p.m. at Reliance Fire House on Holland Avenue. New members welcome.

South Floral Park Civic Association will hold its regular meeting on Thursday, May 21, at 8 p.m. at 383 Roquette Ave. New members welcome. Call Anthony at 516-775-9345 for information.

Friday, May 22

United Methodist Women will hold Supermarket Bingo on Friday, May 22, at 7 p.m. at United Methodist Church at 35 Verbena Ave. Admission is $5 and includes one bingo card and refreshments. Additional cards can be purchased for $1.

Saturday, May 23

Stewart Manor will hold its Memorial Day ceremony on Saturday, May 23, at 10 a.m. at the gazebo at Stewart Manor Country Club on Salisbury Avenue.

Monday, May 25

Bellerose Village will hold its Memorial Day parade and ceremony on Monday, May 25. Parade begins in Bellerose Terrace at 9:30 a.m. Ceremony will be held at Bellerose Village Fire Department following the parade.  

Floral Park will hold its Memorial Day parade and ceremony on Monday, May 25. Parade steps off at 10 a.m. on Elizabeth Street in front of the American Legion post. Ceremony begins at 11 a.m. at Memorial Park at Tulip and Plainfield avenues.

Tuesday, May 26

Hempstead Town Board will meet on Tuesday, May 26, at 10:30 a.m. at Nathan L.H. Bennett Pavilion, 1 Washington St., Hempstead.

Floral Park League of Mercy Medical Center will hold its membership meeting on Tuesday, May 26, at 1 p.m. at the Floral Park Recreation Center. Call Pat at 516-775-8496 for more information.

Thursday, May 28

The Hillcrest Civic Association will hold its membership meeting (last of the season) on Thursday, May 28, at 7:30 p.m. at the Floral Park Recreation Center.

Tuesday, June 2

The Village of Floral Park board of trustees will meet on Tuesday, June 2, at 8 p.m. in the village courtroom.

Thursday, June 4

The Floral Park Chamber of Commerce will meet on Thursday, June 4 at 12:30 p.m. at Park Place Restaurant.  

Friday, June 5

The Conservation Society will hold its garden party on Friday, June 5 at Centennial Gardens from 5 to 8 p.m.

Saturday, June 6

The 147th Annual Belmont Stakes will be held on Saturday, June 6.

The Floral Park-Bellerose Boy Scouts of Troop 482 will hold their car wash fundraiser on Saturday, June 6, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Carlton Commuter Parking Field at Carnation Avenue and Floral Boulevard. Cost is $5 per car and benefits the Troop’s general fund. Rain date is Sunday, June 7.

Sunday, June 7

The Floral Park Chamber of Commerce Belmont Street Fair will be held on Sunday, June 7, from 2 to 7 p.m. on Tulip Avenue.

The Floral Park Historical Society will host a Coe Hall Mansion Tour on Sunday, June 7, at 1:30 p.m. Carpool leaves from the Floral Park Recreation Center parking lot at noon. Cost is $6 per person. Signup for the tour and carpool by calling Adele at 516-775-8291.

Sunday, June 21

Our Lady of Victory Parish and the Floral Park Knights of Columbus Council will sponsor a Blue Mass – a Mass in honor of law enforcement personnel, fire fighters, EMTs, rescue workers and all first responders. The Mass will be held on Father’s Day, June 21 at 9 a.m. The parish is hoping that parishioners who do this heroic work will join in uniform for the Mass.

Ongoing Program

Floral Park United Methodist Church Thrift Shop at 35 Verbena Ave. Open every Wednesday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Donations accepted. Call 516-354-4969.