
Seaman Grads Reunite In Syosset


SeamanReunion_061015BRobert Seaman Elementary held its annual reunion for the high school seniors who once attended the elementary school. The reunion had a wonderful turn out of students and teachers, as well as the principal who was working at the school at the time of their graduation.

The students and teachers were so glad to see each other after so many years. Many teachers commented, “You don’t need a name tag, I know who you are!” to “Wow! You have gown up and I can’t believe how time flew!” It was great to see the reactions of the teachers to their former students as to how much they had grown, but also how they have not changed from when they taught them.

Click here to see all the photos!

The students had a chance to look through old class pictures and watch their fifth grade circus video. They reconnected with friends from their younger days and reminisced about what they used to do in class or at recess.

The former students and teachers had an opportunity to catch up on what everyone has been up to and what plans they have for to next year.