
Breast Cancer Interns in 11th Year

GNBCC 2015 Summer Interns, from left: top row, Shaheer Khan, Sydney Saint-Hillaire, Selena Thomas (Sewanhaka) Sunny Shi, Michael Shen (Great Neck South); bottom row, Kiana Kerr (Sewanhaka), Ailin Elyasi, Isabelle Sehati, Jasmine Wong (Great Neck North)

For an 11th consecutive summer, the Great Neck Breast Cancer Coalition (GNBCC) is sponsoring nine interning students from Great Neck high schools and Sewanhaka High School at three university laboratories in the Northeast, as part of the coalition’s Students & Scientists Breast Cancer/Environment Research Program.

The students will be researching environmental links to breast cancer and breast cancer prevention. Sunny Shi, Michael Shen, Jasmine Wong, Sydney Saint-Hillaire and Shaheer Khan are interning at the laboratory of Dr. Richard Gross, professor at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Rensselaer Polytech Institute. Kiana Kerr and Selena Thomas are interning at Dr. Laura Vandenberg’s laboratory at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Isabelle Sehati and Ailin Elyasi are interning at the Soto/Sonnenschein Laboratory at Tufts University School of Medicine.

The coalition developed the Students & Scientists program in 2005 in order to cultivate the next generation of breast cancer researchers, especially focused on causation, environmental links and prevention. For more information on GNBCC’s student program, visit: www.greatneckbcc.org.