“Because I Do” (all from 1982’s Under the Big Black Sun)
“Nowadays Exene sings this like a jazz song. It has great abstract images about faithlessness.”
“The New World” “A story of broken promises from the point of view of a bum, oops, I mean homeless person. As long as the government keep lying, this song will always
be relevant.”
“Riding With Mary” “A poetic story of a time where we thought we were invincible sadly it wasn’t true.”
“Los Angeles” (from 1980’s Los Angeles)
“Still makes people cringe when we sing racial slurs. Sometimes it’s hard to look in the mirror.”
“In This House That I Call Home” (from 1981’s Wild Gift)
“The title is a take off on a song by Love an true retelling of life in a West Hollywood duplex where Exene, Billy Zoom and I lived for a couple of very creative years.”
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