
Asks For Support of Interfaith Nutrition Network

Many of us will be observing Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and what better time for us to reflect on the many blessings that have been bestowed upon us. To live in such a beautiful community, surrounded by friends and family, to be able to worship and observe the teachings of our faith.

One of those teachings is that of compassion for the weakest members of our society. Compassion for the stranger, for the widow, for the orphan, for those struggling with poverty and sometimes even with homelessness. Each of us is tasked with turning our feelings of compassion into acts of compassion and kindness.

One of the best ways to do that is by supporting the work of The INN (Interfaith Nutrition Network), which has supported Long Islanders in need for more than 30 years—with food, with clothing, with shelter, with support services and with love.

Please share the blessings in your life with those who haven’t been as fortunate by making a donation to The INN in whatever amount you can afford. Donations may be mailed to: Dave Golbert, 7 Lee Court West, Great Neck, NY 11024. Please make your check payable to:  The INN.

As our sages teach us, “Blessed are those who share with those who have less.”

—David Golbert