Cadette Troop 500 headed to the Huntington Jewish Center on Sunday, Dec. 12, with donations of fruit to contribute to the Center’s ministry of feeding the hungry in Long Island. The Jewish Center has been donating food to the INN as well as motels in the area that house homeless families for over 25 years. They have fed more than 300,000 people over that period of time!
The Cadettes were given a tour of the kitchens at the HJC as well as the organic gardens they have on site. The girls cut the fruit salad and placed it in individual serving bags to be offered to those in need. They learned that the donation of fruits and vegetables is most welcomed as the food pantries mainly receive donations of boxed or packaged foods.
The girls’ contribution to the HJC is part of their effort to achieve the Silver Award. The focus of their project has been to establish and maintain vegetable gardens in the Manhasset School District as well as donating the produce harvested there to local food pantries. They are in the process of publishing a cookbook of recipes “from the garden” to distribute to the pantries they serve.