
Corpus Christi Set For New Pastor

A new priest is set to lead the Corpus Christi Church flock this June, as pastor Robert Batule prepares to return to a full-time teaching position at a Yonkers seminary.

Batule had served as pastor of Corpus Christi since June of 2013; a role he also held from 1993 to 2002. During his latest tenure, Batule oversaw the sale of the Searing Avenue properties to Mill Creek residential. The sale was already in the works when he came on board, but Batule said he helped to accelerate the process.CorpusChristi__040616A“It’s never easy to sell property, it’s a long, drawn out process,” Batule said. “This kind of work requires a lot of attention to detail. We need the money for the future of the parish. It’s great to have the sale of the property as an accomplishment.”

Batule said on the spiritual side, one of the highlights of his time at Corpus Christi was the emphasis he put on the Eucharist and sacramental life of the church. He helped institute a holy hour every Monday morning between the 7:30 and 9 a.m. mass, where parishioners can come and pray before the sacrament. The Eucharist is also highlighted in the church’s mission statement.

“Corpus Christi is the body of Christ. The parish is dedicated to the [Eucharist],” Batule said. “We’ve tried to make some efforts to call attention to the presence of Christ in our midst, and how that presence inspires us and strengthens us and gives us new life.”

Batule was asked to commit to seminary formation work and in late June, will return to teaching full time at St. Joseph’s Seminary in Yonkers, a position he had before coming to Corpus Christi three years ago. There is no word yet on who will replace him as pastor.

Batule said he enjoys teaching and working with seminarians, but will miss the regular rhythm of sacramental life and offering daily mass, as well as presiding at funerals, weddings and hearing confessions.

“The sacramental life is the stuff of our spiritual life,” Batule said. “As parish priest, you’re involved in that all the time. In teaching, you have a share in it, but as a priest that’s what you’re doing on a daily basis.”

Batule said Mineola’s diverse community of longtime residents, newcomers and different ethnic backgrounds, is truly unique. He said he’s enjoyed his time at Corpus Christi and helping people grow in their spirituality.

“I’m happy to have served for three years and to have been present for key moments in the parish’s life,” he said. “When you’re involved in parish life that allows you to practice the fullness of the priestly ministry, which involves leading people in the parish to a deeper faith in Christ.”