
Letter to the Editor: Issues With Town

They’re dropping like flies in town hall of The Town of North Hempstead (TONH). Concetta Terry, deputy clerk, is the most recent resignation, which begs an answer to the following question: Is Town Clerk Wayne Wink so overworked that he needs a deputy clerk at a yearly salary of $80,000—plus benefits? As reported, Ms. Terry came into this position shortly after TONH Judi Bosworth and Wayne Wink took their respective office in 2014. Shortly thereafter in 2015, she received a 3-percent salary raise. Ms. Terry got a $9,000 raise. Draw your own conclusion. Suffice it to say that what has been reported during the past months, there was a mass exodus of high-salaried town officials, be it by resignation or “separation” largely due to the uncovered cronyism, nepotism and corruption scandal emanating from town hall all the way to the town’s Waste Management facility on West Shore Road.letters

It all started under Jon Kaiman’s administration when he was supervisor, who to this day claims he didn’t know anything about it and all his actions were “according to law.” With this disingenuous, lame statement, Kaiman insults the intelligence of the residents. As if this wasn’t bad enough, he now asks to put him in Washington as a congressman. In the vernacular, that’s chutzpah. With all of the financial shenanigans under his watch, the last thing I would want is for Kaiman to represent me in Washington.

Not to be outdone, this culture continued under Bosworth’s administration. She also claims ignorance to all of the financial scandals spawned by her predecessor. How equally disingenuous. What one perceives is that there is absolutely no accountability in town hall with exorbitant salaries being thrown around as if money was growing on one of the trees in the park across town hall. A house cleaning is very much in order. Come next election for town supervisor and other high-priced town officials, the voters should take the broom into their hands and make a clean sweep and disinfect town hall from the smell of scandals.

—Stanley Ronell