In 2016, the town’s TownStat program was recognized by the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) for the sixth consecutive year. According to the ICMA, North Hempstead is among eight jurisdictions nationwide to receive the Certificate of Distinction and one of 53 recognized overall by the ICMA in any category.
“In many ways these numbers are like a report card for the town, they reveal a lot about how efficiently town government is working, how satisfied residents are and where there is room for improvement,” said Supervisor Judi Bosworth. “By tracking performance and, in turn, making adjustments based on the collected data, TownStat helps the town do a better job on behalf of our residents.”
A small handful of statistics that were tallied for 2016 by the Town of North Hempstead’s TownStat Department, which collects data on how residents’ concerns are addressed, includes: 9.4 miles of residential roadway resurfaced; 125 dogs adopted; 542 trees planted; 37 tons of electronic waste collected; and 161,490 calls answered by the Town of North Hempstead’s 311 Call Center.
Other statistics for the year: The town was awarded $16,454,489 in grant funds; $1,668,458 in new grant funds; and $14,786,031 in FEMA funds. The town’s Solid Waste Management Authority’s (SWMA) School Recycling Partnership Program recycled an estimated 351.93 tons of paper and 31.47 tons “co-mingles.” The town’s STOP (Stop Throwing Out Pollutants) program took in 37 tons of e-waste and 6,845 tons of pharmaceuticals.
The Building Department issued 4,721 (through Nov. 30) permits, totaling 958 commercial and 3,763 residential. The Highway Department responded to 561 constituent requests for pothole repairs and also repaired 342 potholes proactively through Dec. 8.
The town’s parks and pools also saw lots of activity: Clinton G. Martin had 517 new memberships and 2,856 were renewed; Manorhaven had 1,136 new memberships and 3,266 renewed; Michael J. Tully had 680 new memberships and 730 renewed; and North Hempstead’s “Yes We Can” Community Center had 353 new memberships and 1,522 renewed. North Hempstead Beach Park saw a total of 10,000 daily passes and annual parking permits.
In addition to the 125 dogs adopted from the town’s animal shelter through November, 108 lost dogs were reunited with their owners.