This Week’s Anton Lesson Plan
Social studies is a subject whose purpose is helping students understand the roles history and geography play in the day-to-day of a culturally diverse and democratic society. It’s a baseline that’s an integral part of what newspapers cover on a regular basis.
The following are exercises students can do to get a taste of the role social studies plays in your newspaper.
• Newspapers have been called “The First Draft of History.” Let your students review the newspaper for several weeks and select articles about events they think will be reported in the history of your town 50 years from now.
• Maintain a weekly news log for your classroom. Each week list the most important story that appears in the newspaper. At the end of the semester, determine the most important
news event of the marking period.
• Create a bulletin board called “Who’s Who.” Cut pictures and stories about people from your newspaper and mount them on the bulletin board.
• Write to other community newspapers in your state and ask if you may have one copy of their newspaper. Compare their newspaper to yours. How are they alike? How are they different?