
Fulbright Competition Open


fulbright logoProviding grants for individually designed study/research projects and English Teaching Assistant Programs, the 2018-19 Fulbright Scholarship Program Competition recently opened with an Aug. 1 application deadline. With 500 awards offered in about 125 countries, opportunities are available for college and university faculty and administration as well as for professionals, artists, journalists, scientists, lawyers, independent scholars and more. 

The scholarship allows Fulbrighters to meet, work and live with people of the host country, sharing in their daily experience. The program gives direct interaction on an individual basis in classrooms, in the field and at home. The goal of the program is to get Fulbrighters to see things from the perspective of others, learning about their hosts’ viewpoints and beliefs through open discussion and engagement with the community.

Awards offered include the Fulbright Global Scholar Award, the Fulbright Flex Award, and Postdoctoral and Early Career Awards. The Fulbright Global Scholar Award allows academics and professionals to propose research or combined teaching/research activity in two or three countries. The Fulbright Flex Award is offered to scholars who propose multiple, short-term stays in the host country over a one- to two-year period in which the scholar gives public talks, participates in seminars, mentors students, and engages with the country’s host. The Postdoctoral and Early Career Awards are given to new scholars who want to acquire new skills or deepen their expertise while working as cultural ambassadors.

Some countries have added new awards for the 2018-19 year. Australia offers 14 research awards with three postdoctoral awards. France’s award will allow scholars to conduct research relating to migration studies, while Ireland’s award will stress collaboration in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, arts and humanities. Romania will have four awards in a variety of disciplines, and Chile’s award will give postdoctoral fellows and early career scientists opportunities in Astronomy and Data Sciences and Antarctic Studies.

Candidates must submit a Statement of Grant Purpose outlining activities that will take place for one full academic year in a participating country outside of the U.S. For more information and to apply, visit www.us.fulbrightonline.org.