Olympian, Jeff Galloway, known for his revolutionary Run Walk Run method, will be teaching a running clinic on Long Island on May 6 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Blue Ocean Wealth Strategies in East Hills, 2200 Northern Blvd. Suite 200. The clinic will help educate runners on his method and learn to stay injury free.
“Jeff Galloway has helped thousands of people through the years and keeps inspiring runners around the globe,” said Hilary Topper, program director of Team Galloway Long Island and CEO of HJMT Public Relations in Long Beach. “We are so excited to host him so that Long Island runners can get an opportunity to meet him and ask questions.”
There are nearly 100 Run Walk Run programs across the country and around the world, including one in Canada, Australia, Israel, Italy and Germany.
All levels of runners from beginners to Boston Qualifiers are welcome.
“Many people have use this method to qualify for Boston or compete in an Ironman. It is a proven method that works,” Topper said.
Team Galloway Long Island is a local running program with nearly 30 members. It was formed by Topper under Galloway’s auspices. The program has been operating since February 2017 and runners meet once a week and run at various parks around Long Island. Some of the places they have run include, but are not limited to: Cedar Creek Park, Sunken Meadow State Park, Fire Island and Heckscher State Park.
Topper added, “If you are a beginner who has never run a block to an experienced runner who runs marathons in under 4 hours, this running clinic is for you.”
Those interested can register for Jeff Galloway’s Running School here.
The Run Walk Run method was founded by Galloway in 1974 and has been refined throughout the years. It is a systematic way to incorporate recovery breaks into your run so that you can run longer, help improve your finish times, have control over fatigue and run injury-free.