Within the past month, you might have noticed that the Village of New Hyde Park’s website has a new look. The updated design is clean and easy to navigate, offering access to all of the forms and information.
The website name remains the same (www.vnhp.org).
Village Mayor Larry Montreuil thanked Deputy Mayor Donna Squicciarino and Village Clerk Kate Hillmann for their hard work on this project, along with Web Works, the company whose offer to redesign the site was approved by the board in November.
One resident in attendance at the most recent public board meeting shared her praise of the village’s new website, saying, “It’s visually attractive and easy to get around.”
In the current newsletter, which arrived at homes over the past week, the village acknowledged that initial dedication and hard work of former mayor, Bob Lofaro, who created and maintained the original website more than 15 years ago.
At the Dec. 19 board meeting, Montreuil thanked Lofaro for his “ingenuity, determination and perseverance to create and maintain a village website.”
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