The Great Neck North JV boys volleyball team played the conference’s best, Massapequa, again this week. Throughout the years of competition between these two rivals, the Massapequa squad was able to obtain most of the victories but the Great Neck Blazers always put up a good fight. The starting five players for the Blazers, Aaron Dadfarin, Manny Hakimian, Nate Hakim, Coby Kadouri and Jackson Cronin, put up a tremendous effort through the three games. Unfortunately, the Massapequa team wound up with a 3-0 away win against the Blazers this time around.
The Great Neck varsity football team played Malverne at home on Oct. 20 at 1 p.m. Although the Blazers are 0-6 this year, the team has displayed tremendous effort and skill throughout the hard-fought games. At press time, the Blazers were looking for a win on Saturday at the team’s second to last game of the season.
The Great Neck varsity girls volleyball team participated in a friendly competition between hometown rivals, Great Neck South High School. The North team created a breast cancer fundraiser in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October. The opposing team, South, also raised money by selling shirts and baked goods. The competition between the two schools included the raising of a lot of money that will go to breast cancer awareness. In this friendly match, the North team won in three straight sets. Great games played by Julia Zalta, Daniele Lee and Nicole Hirsch led the Blazers to a win.
The Great Neck North boys soccer team made the playoffs this past week. The team was selected as the number 20 seed. As a result, North played the opposing team, Herricks, in playoff matchup. Although a great game was played, the team lost and ended the season. The seniors, including Aron Guela, Jeremy Ahdoot, Josh and Giacobbe Nouriely, demonstrated toughness and leadership throughout the season and created a strong foundation for the upcoming sophomores and juniors.