
Responding To Hate

JLE Hebrew School students at Lake Success Chabad described acts of kindness on the Tree of Life.

The children at Lake Success Chabad created a Tree of Life by filling in leaves with the good deeds they will take upon themselves in honor of the innocent lives lost at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, where an anti-Semitic gunman killed 11 worshipers during services on Saturday, Oct. 27.

On each leaf, the JLE Hebrew School students at Lake Success Chabad described acts of kindness, such as:

Each leaf described an act of kindness the children would complete in the memory of the victims.

“I will include classmates I don’t usually talk to, next time I am playing with my friends.”

“I will try not to gossip so much.”

“I will be nicer to my sister and be OK with it when she wants to borrow my things.”

In response to the tragic temple shooting in Pittsburgh, children at Lake Success Chabad created a Tree of Life, filling in leaves with good deeds.

“On my trip to Israel this year, I will stop at an orphanage to bring smiles and happiness to the children there.”

Chumy Ezagui, director at JLE Hebrew School, explained, “The goal is to teach the students that just as a small light can dispel a lot of darkness, their one good deed can bring light and impact the lives of others for good.”