Smoked Barn takes the time to do it right
While driving along Hempstead Turnpike near Tri County in Levittown, there’s a distinct possibility that an enticing aroma will smack you right across the face. If this happens, don’t panic—it is probably the scent of real deal barbecue wafting from Smoked Barn.
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Opening earlier this year on Hempstead Turnpike, Smoked Barn is a family run joint sporting a strict adherence to the tenets of the Southern-style, low-and-slow cooking method. And the result is an assortment of meats teeming with flavor and dripping with smoke-kissed juices. All coming from the mind of owner and barbecue expert Renzo Vargas, who refocused what was initially a mainly Peruvian sandwich eatery to a house of brisket, ribs, pulled pork and more.