
Things Going On From March 30 To April 5

Friday, March 29–
Sunday, March 31

Great Neck House Film

What They Had will be shown on Friday at 8 p.m., Saturday at 5 and 8 p.m. and Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Admission requires a park card.

Saturday, March 30

Great Neck Comedian

Talia Reese, who was called one of the funniest Jewish moms at Kveller.com, will be headlining the L’il Room at Governor’s Comedy Club; www.govs.com.

Sunday, March 31

Sisterhood Holiday Boutique

Enjoy shopping, tastings and demonstrations for your holiday needs from 12 to 4 p.m. at the Great Neck Synagogue Sisterhood annual holiday boutique at 26 Old Mill Rd.; Farla Frumkin, 516-641- 5153.

CalendarB Sunday 40 3 Brazilian Duo
The Brazilian Duo will perform at Great Neck House on Sunday.

Great Neck House Concert

The Brazilian Duo, with guitarist Richard Boukas and bassist Gustavo Amarante, will perform jazz and classical music at 3 p.m. Admission requires a park card.

Monday, April 1

Board of Ed Meeting

A Great Neck Public Schools Board of Education Public Action Meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. at South High, 341 Lakeville Rd., with recognition of South High students, followed by the second informal budget hearing; 516-441-4001.

Non-Public Schools
Transportation Registration

Today is the last day for Great Neck school district residents who seek free transportation to non-public schools in September 2019 to submit an application, hand-delivered or postmarked, to the Transportation Office, Great Neck Public Schools, 345 Lakeville Rd., Great Neck, NY 11020. In accordance with NYS Education Law, free transportation is available to children attending non-public schools who live more than .5 mile from school in grades K–5, .75 mile for grades 6–8 and one mile for grades 9–12 to a maximum of 15 miles. Those with disabilities should consult with the Office of Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services at 516-441-4970. The Non-Public School Transportation Request Form is available at www.greatneck.k12.ny.us/transportation under Important Documents. Learn more by calling the Transportation Office on school days from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 516-441-4060.

CalendarA CE Spring Catalog
The Great Neck Public Schools Community Education spring semester begins on April 1.

Community Ed Begins

The Great Neck Public Schools Community Education spring semester begins with many new classes, as well as old favorites, including day trips, theater trips, creative arts & crafts, fitness & movement, foreign languages, enrichment & learning, games, music, performing arts & entertainment, personal development, as well as classes for teens at 30 Cumberland Ave. Request a catalog at 516-441-4949 or gncontinuinged@greatneck.k12.ny.us or view it and register at www.greatneck.k12.ny.us/ce.



Tuesday, April 2

REAP Discussion

A Retired Energetic Active People member will speak on Growing Our Skills Throughout Life at 9:30 a.m. at the Cumberland School; 516-244-4667.

Park District Meeting

The Great Neck Park District Board of Commissioners will hold a work session at 10 a.m. at the Administration Building, 5 Beach Rd.

Wednesday, April 3

Senior Technology Program

The Town of North Hempstead’s innovative senior initiative, Project Independence, will present Tech Talk: Learn how to understand technology vocabulary at 2:30 p.m. at Clinton G. Martin Park in New Hyde Park. Register at 516-869-6311.

Thursday, April 4

Hadassah Shopping Event

All are welcome to shop for fabulous and funky jewelry, summer bags, athleisure apparel, women’s clothing and accessories while supporting a great cause at Chai Hadassah’s annual shopping event at 7 p.m. at Temple Beth-El of Great Neck, 5 Old Mill Rd. Snacks will be provided.

Kennedy Grade 4 Concert

The John F. Kennedy School Grade 4 Concert will begin at 7 p.m., 1A Grassfield Rd.; 516-441-4200.

Friday, April 5–
Sunday, April 7

Great Neck House Film

Can You Ever Forgive Me? will be shown on Friday at 8 p.m., Saturday at 5 and 8 p.m. and Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Admission requires a park card.