At a recent board meeting, the village board heard concerns about parking issues that continue to plague areas around the village, specifically around NYU Winthrop Hospital, from 47-year-resident Kerry Tice.
“I live on Wellington Road by the hospital and with all the construction and everything going on, the parking situation by my home has gone from bad to worse,” said Tice.
Tice went on to explain how people park over both sides of her driveway, forcing her to park in her neighbor’s driveway because there are too many cars on her block. On Wellington Road, there is a 90 minute parking rule on both sides of the street from Monday through Saturday.
“I always abide by the 90-minute rule,” said Tice. “When you have grown children, they start to drive, so you’re constantly shuffling cars around. It’s becoming such a major hassle. I love Mineola, but it’s getting so frustrating. I want to move and I don’t want to move. I’m getting ticketed for leaving my car on the street for more than 90 minutes.”
Tice asked the board if it was possible to provide placards to residents who live on Wellington Road allowing them to stay on the street longer than 90 minutes.
Mayor Scott Strauss told Tice that the 90-minute rule has been in effect for a long time and that it’s nothing new.
“The construction issues are new because they’re building a parking garage there and there’s going to be plenty of parking when it’s built,” said Strauss. “I know it’s a challenge right now. We can’t legally give residents’ preferential parking on streets. I don’t know the answer. The 90-minute rule has been there to give some relief to the residents who live there because it would be blocked up with commuters and employees who work in that area. So that 90-minute rule was made so there’s turnover.”
Strauss urged residents that if someone is blocking their driveway and there is no one to call from the village on a Sunday, then they can call 911.
“You are not taking a police car from a priority call,” said Strauss. “Will the car move? No. But at least they’ll get a summons.”