
Bagel Guy To Fight Other Viral Video Stars

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Somebody give this man a bagel.

The man who was infamously tackled while heckling customers at Bagel Boss in Bay Shore last week isn’t going away without a fight.

TMZ reports that Chris Morgan, dubbed “Bagel Guy” by the internet, inked a deal with fighting promoter Damon Feldman to box another viral video star at the Showboat Hotel in Atlantic City on Sept. 7. Feldman said Morgan may fight Antoine “Hide Yo Kids, Hide Yo Wives” Dodson.

“If he thinks he’s gonna win, fuggedaboutit,” Morgan told TMZ.

While it’s a good thing that Morgan is channeling his rage for women who think he’s too short to date that he was ranting about in the bagel shop, he’s going to have to back up his tough talk better than he did when he was tackled in the video.

The Twitter video of Bagel Guy ranting and getting beat down has been viewed more than 25 million times since it was posted a week ago.